Upcoming Music Events
Patriotic Singalong
Wednesday, July 3 at 6:30PM
On Wednesday, July 3 at 6:30PM, we will have a Patriotic Sing-a-Long featuring our organist, Michael Steven Lianos. He will play selections such as “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, our National Anthem, “Navy Hymn”, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, and others. Some of the traditional American composers will be showcased: Aaron Copland, John Phillip Sousa, Dudley Buck, Charles Ives (from our very own state of CT), and others. It is a great way to teach your children some of our country’s songs. Since it is in the context of an organ concert, it is suggested that grade 4 through adult attend. Consider making it a family event and a tradition before the fireworks. Come join us so that we can sing together in unity! Due to copyright costs, this event will not be live-streamed.
Past Music Events
ECSO Palm Sunday Concert
March 24, 2024 at 7:30PM
Join us for this free, open to public concert at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. Please click here to reserve a free ticket before arriving.
Concert Program:
Premiere of Lux Aeterna, composed by ECSC Director, David McDavitt
Mozart's Requiem, K. 626
Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus
ECSO Music Director and Conductor, Toshiyuki Shimada
Daniel McDavitt, Director
Jūratė Švedaitė, Soprano
Caroline O'Dwyer, Mezzo-Soprano
Terrence Fay, Tenor
Gregory Flower, Baritone
On Sunday, March 24 (Palm Sunday) at 7:30pm, the ECSO will perform a free concert at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich, CT conducted by ECSO Music Director and Conductor, Toshiyuki Shimada.
The evening will begin with a premiered work by our very own Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus's Director, Daniel McDavitt, titled Lux Aeterna.
Following this work and closing out the concert will be Mozart's Requiem, K. 626, a gorgeous work that will be performed by the ECSO and Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus, under the direction of Toshiyuki Shimada.
Thank you to the Edward and Mary Lord Foundation for their generous support of this event.
Donations collected at the event will benefit the ECSO and the St. Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich, CT.
AGO Library Concert
January 14 at 2:30PM
This concert will display new music being written by composers that are still alive. It will mostly aimed at local organists in the area, but the invitation is extended to all music appreciators. There will be works performed by Paul Ayres (based in UK), Brenda Portman (based in OH), Andrew Carter (based in UK), Paul Fey (based in Germany), Christa Rakich (based in CT). The goal of this concert is to provide music that is practical, listenable, and usable at Mass and other religious services. Many will be hearing these works for the first time ever. Join us with this moment of firsts.
The American Guild of Organists (AGO) is a national organization of organists and choral conductors. In our region, the library of this organization resides at our Cathedral. The library in the past has been a compilation of organists that have passed from our midst and donnated their personal library. As with technology, there are always new discoveries and updates to any scholarly editions of music. This makes the donnations outdated, and makes the people who use the library uninterested in what it contains.
But we are giving it new life and enlivening a stronger connection between the music-writers and performers. The library now contains several new works by organ composers that people in the AGO can access and try out. This is an opportunity to see if it "fits under their fingers" before they may want to purchase the music. This makes the library a bit more attractive to the local organists and makes it more usable. The conversations and communications it takes to get this kind of project moving with some momentum is the exact thing building the bridge between composer and performer. The composers hear our feedback on some of the music available, and continues to compose useful music for us at our Masses and other religious gatherings (AGO is not specifically catholic).
For AGO Members, there will be a time with the library, and for members to use the organ. As this instrument and space can be quite intimidating to some organists, we ask that you respect the personal time of the AGO Members on the organ.
U.S. Air Force Singing Sergeants on Tour
February 19, 2023 at 7:30PM
The Singing Sergeants are coming here to the Cathedral. There were about 400-500 audience members in attendance watching this marvelous program.
The Singing Sergeants is the official chorus of the United States Air Force. Stationed at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C., it is one of six musical ensembles that form The U.S. Air Force Band. Featuring 24 active-duty musicians, the Singing Sergeants support military and civilian ceremonial and diplomatic functions, education outreach events, and concerts throughout metropolitan Washington, D.C., and the United States.
Formed initially as a men's chorus in 1945 from the rank and file of The U.S. Army Air Forces Band, the Singing Sergeants became the first premier military chorus to enlist women in 1973, diversifying their mission and increasing their scope of musical versatility. Today, the group's members often perform for the Department of Defense and other high-level military and civilian functions, using music to bridge language and cultural differences and helping advance positive diplomatic relations through song. The chorus is regularly featured at regional and national music education conferences, including the American Choral Directors Association, the Music Educators National Conference, and Chorus America. At varied venues, the Singing Sergeants reach a diverse audience with the beauty and power of music.
As part of The U.S. Air Force Band, the Singing Sergeants’ mission is to HONOR those who have served, INSPIRE American citizens to heightened patriotism and service, and CONNECT with the global community on behalf of the U.S. Air Force and the United States. The excellence demonstrated by the Singing Sergeants reflects the excellence displayed by all Airmen stationed worldwide, whose selfless service and sacrifices ensure the freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the United States of America.
Candlelight Concert and Compline
November 20, 2022 at 7:30PM
Masterworks Series
October 23, 2022 at 1PM
All-American Singalong
July 3, 2022 at 6:30PM
There were over 250 people in attendance – organists, choir members, church parishioners, community members all unifying their voices with joy. There was one college student, who remarked: “this is the first moment of unity I have seen in a long time.” The refrain from Hail! Columbia, which functioned unofficially as one of our National Anthems in our country’s early days, sates, “Firm, united, let us be, rallying ‘round our liberty, as a band of brothers joined, peace and safety we shall find.” Even though the language is a bit dated, it is still relevant. God calls us to be one – making us the church. This kind of unity is reflected in this refrain.
As the performer, aside from being pleased that there was an excellent choir in attendance, there was one thing I noticed at the end – everyone’s eyes were shining. They were not thinking about the traffic they sat in all week; they were not thinking about the office cubicle they endure every day; they were not thinking about the argument they had a few days ago. They were thinking about the music still ringing in their hearts and how the music filled them with joy and love for one another. This is how I find that God works through music, and restores people’s souls with love.
Ordination to the Priesthood
June 25 at 10:30AM
Mass of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood from DIOCESE OF NORWICH on Vimeo.
Marywood University Chamber Singers
Wednesday, May 18 at 7:00PM

Marywood University is in Scranton, PA. This choir was on tour and visited and performed here at the Cathedral.
Candlelight Concert and Compline
March 20, 2022 at 7:30PM
We will have a concert of choral music followed by Compline in candlelight. Compline is night prayer from the Catholic Liturgy of the Hours. It is where we pray to give thanks for the day and ask for protection while we sleep at night. This is also a special way to celebrate Laetare Sunday, marking the middle of Lent. If you need a moment of peace and prayer, consider attending this hour-long, free concert.
Festival of Lessons and Carols
December 19, 2021 at 7:30PM
Lessons & Carols from DIOCESE OF NORWICH on Vimeo.
Candlelight Concert and Compline
November 21, 2021 at 7:30PM
Christ the King - Concert & Compline from DIOCESE OF NORWICH on Vimeo.
Masterworks Series
October 17, 2021 at 1:00PM
Diaconate Ordination Choir
May 27, 2021 at 7PM
Sung Chaplet for Divine Mercy
Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 3PM
Sung Chaplet of Divine Mercy from DIOCESE OF NORWICH on Vimeo.