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Chrism Choir

Posted on March 08, 2023 in: General News, Music

Chrism Choir

Chrism Choir 2023

Lent is here and plans for the annual Chrism Mass have begun. Each year, parishioners from every parish in the Diocese of Norwich and local area come to the Cathedral during Holy Week for the Chrism Mass that our bishop celebrates with the priests of our diocese. During this celebration, Bishop Cote consecrates the Holy Chrism, blesses the Oil of Catechumens, and Oil for the Sick. These oils are used throughout the diocese for the sacraments of the church.

Over the years, many choristers from the diocese and local area have participated in this Mass by singing in the Chrism Mass Choir.  This year, as in other years, I am extending an invitation to you and members of your choir to join me by participating in this year’s Chrism Mass, which is celebrated on Tuesday, April 4 at 10:30AM here at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich, CT.

There are two rehearsals to prepare for the Chrism Mass. Rehearsals will be held in the Choir room of the Cathedral on the following days:

            Sunday, March 26 from 2:30PM to 4:30PM
            Sunday, April 2 from 2:30PM to 4:30PM

The choir will assemble at 9AM to warm-up prior to the Mass on Tuesday, April 4.

If you or any of your choristers would like to sing for the Chrism Mass, please contact me by phone at 860-886-0403 or email: sacredmusic@cathedralofsaintpatrick.org .

Singers must register to participate in the choir. Singers must attempt to attend the two rehearsals. The Cathedral will supply all music needed for the Mass.  All you need to bring is a smile, good posture, a good voice, and a pencil.

Please consider joining us for this beautiful celebration. I hope to hear from you soon.

                                                                                                Michael Steven Lianos

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