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On Line Prayer Meeting

Posted on June 11, 2020 in: General News, Prayer

On Line Prayer Meeting

Dear parishioners,

Father Michael Castiblanco will be teaching a short Bible course about the Story of Salvation every Wednesday at 7:00 PM by ZOOM. All are welcome.

Also, He will be praying the Rosary every Saturday at 7:00 pm by Zoom.

Meeting ID: 896 109 0226

Password: prayer

link: Go to the meeting.



El Padre Michael Castiblanco estará enseñando un cursor de Biblia corto sobre la Historia de Salvacion todos los Martes a las 7:00 PM por ZOOM. Todos son bienvenidos.

Tambien, el Padre estara rezando el Rosario, todos los sabados a las 8:00 PM por ZOOM.

Meeting ID: 896 109 0226

Password: prayer

link: Go to the meeting.


God bless you all!

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